Delta Ohm HD 9008 TRR
Temperature and Humidity Transmitter, Multiplate Radiation Shield
The HD9008TRR and HD9009TRR are single block RH and temperature microprocessor transmitters, temperature configurable.
The HD9008TRR is a passive transmitter with a 4…20mA output and 10…30Vdc power supply; the HD9009TRR is a transmitter with a 0…1V standard voltage output (other outputs available on demand) and 5…35Vdc power supply.
Sensors are mounted at the end of a plastic tube: a capacitive humidity sensor and a Platinum temperature sensor (100Ω @0°C).
- An out-of-standard temperature operating range can be requested when placing the order
- Probes work in the -40°C…+80°C temperature range
- The humidity sensor is a condenser which dieletric is made up by an hygroscopic polymer
- Good linearity
- Insensivity to temperature changes
- Fast response time and long-lasting life
The instrument can be reprogrammed by means of a key, and no jumper or potentiometer actions are required. The humidity input can be recalibrated by using two saturated solutions: the first one at 75%, the second one at 33%; the 0%RH…100%RH relative humidity range is fixed, 4mA (or 0Vdc) correspond to 0%RH, 20mA (or 1Vdc) equal 100%RH.
Temperature standard configuration is -40…+80°C for the HD9008TRR and for the HD9009TRR, corresponding to 4…20mA and 0…1Vdc, respectively.
The user can configure the temperature output in ranges different from the standard one by means of a Pt100 simulator or of a set of fixed resistances, provided that it is included in the -40°C…+80°C range with a minimum amplitude of 25°C.
Two LEDs give alarm indications (temperature exceeding set range, sensor breakage or short-circuit) and help the operator when programming.