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TTA Data
  • TTA Data datalogger environmental record capture temperature humidity wind speed direction logger
  • TTA Data datalogger environmental record capture temperature humidity wind speed direction logger
  • third octave noise analysis pcca measurement real time datalogger slm sound level meter system management

TTA Data


Datalogger for Environmental Monitoring

TTA Data is a 7th generation data logger powered by nanoARMM technology.

Decades of enhancements and thousands of units sold around the World, TTA Data is the core solution in the TTA line of products and systems. The device is based on Linux, has a strong and lightweight construction and is equipped with multiple connection ports for safe and reliable data transfer.

SKU: 10003000000 Category:


  • Embedded ports include Ethernet, Bluetooth, USB, RS232, I2C, SPI, RS485 (including Modbus RTU over RS485), Digital in/out and audio in/out.
  • Wifi capability via extended standard converters
  • Analog sampling, digital I/O expansions, and power application relays
  • Compatible with popular connections like ZigBee
  • Touch screen LCD
  • Lifetime VPN connection to TTA cloud
TTA Data
TTA Data is a 7th generation data logger powered by nanoARMM v2 technology.
Brand: TTA, Inc.
Manufacturer: TTA, Inc.
Model: TTA Data
Product ID: 10003000000
$1600.00 New


Dimensions (L x W x H) 132.18 x 91.50 x 36.50 mm; 5.20 x 3.60 x 1.43 in
Weight 330 gr; 0.72 lb
Operating conditions -20/60 °C;  -4/140 °F
Mounting holes Download PDF


Power supply 1: 5Vcc 1A on standard micro USB plug
Power supply 2: 9-24Vcc, 5W on terminal block (plug provided)


10/100 RJ45 Ethernet port
3 x USB 2.0 port
1 x RS232C port (male)
2 x relay output (rated 2A, max 500 V)
MicroSD reader
Mini HDMI video output
Diagnostic leds


Onboard webserver
Locally or remotely accessible
VPN connection
Firmware Over The Air updates
Integrated self diagnostic
Automatic reset of unresponsive external instruments (SLM, modem, router, etc.)


LCD Touch screen
WiFi adapter
3G/4G modem router with APN
RS422 converter
IP webcam for video or image acquisition


Sound Level Meter Brands Rion, Bruel&Kjaer, DeltaOhm, Castle Group, Larson Davis, Cirrus, Norsonic
Weather stations TTA ACQ weather data sampler
Other sensors Ultrasonic Anemometers, Particulate Matter Samplers, SunCell Reference Cells, any sensor with open protocol, any sensor with analog or digital output

Additional Information

Weight 2 lbs
Dimensions 7 x 5 x 4 in